Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Few Randoms

1. I LOVE carmex. Whenever I have chaped lips they will no longer be chaped within a day of using Carmex.

2. I HATE folding white cloths. I really dont mind folding colored cloths but HATE folding whites.

3. I for the life of me cant not go to bed before 11 pm. I dont know what it is but 9 times out of 10 I am not tired till then

4. I cant sleep with less then two pilliows.

5. I LOVE the show Army Wives. It is pretty much the only show I watch. Oh and by the way Beth I Like to watch The Dog too.!! Its pretty cool how he is all bad @$$ with them and then on the way to jail he is like there dad and turning their life around. HAHA

6. I have to take my showers at night now. I use to have to take them in the mornings.

7. I am not that great of a decorator. I would LOVE to hire one to come into my house and do it for me!!

8. I have ALWAYS wanted to be picked to be on the show What Not To Wear (Once I loss my weight so that I can get $5,000 in free cloths!!

9. I HATE HATE HATE the N word when talking about black people.

10. I have a bag of Joey's stuff and I go through it EVERY day.


Stephanie said...

#9!! Me too! And I've become especially more aware of it and the common usage of it since we chose to adopt from Ethiopia. So frustrating!