Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Please pray for me tomorrow. I am going in to meet with a new doctor in this whole infertility process and am REALLY praying that he is a REAL down to earth type of doctor who isn't going to just blow over my feelings and be all doctory. We just got some news today that Rob's end of the infertility is good it isn't him. I also spoke with my doctor that I have been dealing with up to this point and he has said that my ovary functions are good my prolactin levels are good and back to normal and my MRI went great no problems there. So as of right now there is NO REASON what so ever that we should not be able to get pregnant right now. Well of course maybe God has a different reason and we are just all unaware of it. So just please pray that I like and am comfortable with the new Doctor, he doesn't just push my feelings to the wast side, and that I will fully understand everything that he is going to be explaining to me tomorrow. Also if you could just pray that I do find someone to take Robbie because I REALLY do not want to have to take him to this appt with me tomorrow.


Beth said...

How'd it go??