Monday, October 8, 2007


Well tomorrow we go to court with our ex-landlord. I ask that you please pray that the judge sees everything in our favour and what we are asking the landlord to cover (Cort coast's, paper work coast, serving coasts ect.....). Long story short we did not receive our deposit back from him in the time he is allowed by law so we are now having to go to court over it. So I ask that you all just pray that everything goes well tomorrow and that the ex-landlord showes up.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Hey I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive down here it has just been REALLY busy:P Rob has started a new phase of his training so he is not really home and when he is home we try to suck every last min of time with him and I also have my brother down here right now so I am trying to spend as much time with him as I can because God knows when I will be able to see him again due to him going into the Coast Guard. I do still plan on sharing the rest of my story with you all about Joey but I just need time to be able to sit down and type it out. Post to you all later!!