Thursday, December 25, 2008


I have started a new blog for myself. It is going to be all about my ups and downs with my new journey to losing weight, excising more, and training for a 13.1 mile run in Oct 2009. For the first time I am not going to pull anymore punches with myself. If I cant be honest with myself anymore then who can I be honest with. I decided to do this new blog so everyone can see where I am at and so that I can also look back on this new path and see just how far I have come. Also so I can see where I have fallen. I want to be encouraged but also told the truth to. No hard feeling only honesty and encouragement!! I am very much looking forward to this new road that I am going to be starting for myself, my husband and my son and all my friends!!
healthy zone logo Pictures, Images and Photos

The name of my new blog is:
What Goes Up IS Coming DOWN