Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hey everyone just putting out there that TODAY is Kylee's 7th Birthday!! I just want to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLEE!! I love you my brown eyed girl and I miss you VERY much:( Have a GREAT day today!!!

Miles in September ~8.7~


Hollie said...

What the heck... you blogged about Kylee's birthday before I did!!! Oh well... I miss you Britty, it would be a nice surprise if you could make it here for the 15th when we are having the family over to celebrate the kids birthday's!!!

Brittany said...

Well what the heck you give me a week's notice to be home for something:P I'm not going to be able to find an airline ticket cheap:P

Brittany said...

AND I did the same thing for Kasens's Birthday too!!