Sunday, September 16, 2007

Word of advice

Check your oven BEFORE you start it. You think that everyone would maybe think to do that before they turn there oven on right?? NOPE not me, and now I am paying for it. Today I got to go to the ER to find out that I have 2nd almost 3rd degree burns on my right hand:P Long story short, Robbie put a dish towel in my oven, Well not knowing this I turned the oven on to heat up to make dinner and I started to smell smoke. So I opened the oven door to find out I had a burning towel in my oven. I grabbed tongs to grab it out, instead of putting the towel into the sink I tried to go out the back door with it cause it was engulfed in flames. Well when I found out that the back door was locked I tried to make it out to the front door, In the process I am still holding onto the burning towel with tongs and it is now burring my had. So needless to say I dropped the towel on the floor (Burning the floor now) and put the fire out with a bowel of water. So now I have burned my hand AND the floor. I don't know how this is going to work out considering we are renting the house we are in and the kitchen floor is now going to have to be replaced. So lesson learned today ALWAYS CHECK THE OVEN BEFORE TURNING IT ON!!! So tomorrow I get to call a burn specialest!!! P.S. Yes this REALLY is MY hand in the pic.


Hollie said...

My Sweet Britty... Gotta love that little boy!!!

Erin said...

So what are they going to do about that??? Uh...because I am thinking "DON'T POP IT!!!" but then again...strangely enough...I want to pop it through the screen!

I am sorry you had this happen!

Beth said...

Oh Brittany! That is terrible! I was going to eat some breakfast but now I don't think I can after seeing that picture.

Rebecca said...

YOWZA! Wow, I burned my hand pretty badly from a grease splash & it looked very similar to yours. I feel for ya girl!

Hollie said...

ok... you didn't have that picture on there with the first comment I left so all I have to say is...
"NASTY!" Don't worry... I still love you though!