Friday, November 14, 2008

RIP Blooper

...... Today our beloved fish blooper has kicked the bucket. I don't know how to tell Robbie this because he got the fish because he was a VERY good boy one weekend and this was his reward for being SO GOOD. I don't want him to think that since his fish died that it was some type of punishment to him for some reason. So to you blooper I hope you are happy in fishy heaven. Blooper lived through several water changes, Robbie feeding him a BRAND new jar of fish flakes, a move from FL to VA and while making that move Robbie broke his little travel house and so we had to make him a new house out of a soda bottle, and finally blooper survived a leap out of his water bowel from the kitchen counter to kitchen floor and flopped around till Robbie found him and thought that he was a spider on the kitchen floor (this was about a week and a half ago so no this was not the cause of bloopers death). The cause of death is due to the fact of water bowl cleaning and he did not like the water because my friend cleaned her fishes bowl yesterday too and ummm... yep you guessed it we have 2 dead fisheys on our hands and 2 kids to brake the very sad news too. Well I don't know if it is so much sad news to my friend but to me it was kinda sad. Blooper was the kind of fish who got REALLY excited when you came to his bowl he was a happy fish from what I could tell. Oh well what are you going to do? So I think that after the Holidays when we are back home and we can take care of our fishey we will get a new one (Give us a little bit of time to remember Blooper) hehe.


Bonnie said...

Poor, poor Blooper! Good luck breaking the news to Robbie!