Baby Shea shortly after she was born 2 weeks ago
Today I got some VERY sad and hard news to handle. A friend of mine that lives down the street from me lost her baby today at just over 2 weeks old. I just lost it when I heard this on the phone. As you all know my 2 year mark for Joey is coming up so in hearing this it just scraped to bottom of my pot so to say and turned up all the hurt and sadness and every other emotion that you could imagine losing a child would bring. I am now in the shoes that all my friends where sitting in at this moment 2 years ago. What do I say? What do I do? What if I say the wrong thing? I feel lost. It is not like we just lost a game here and I can say oh man I know how you feel better luck next time. This is a life. Her child's life. The life that she carried for 34 weeks and delivered and watched suffer for everyday of her life. So I don't completely know how she feels. I never watched Joey suffer. Joey was born silent. Her on the other hand has stood and watched her daughter suffer. I know I can say I am her for you and if you need anything please feel free to call, but for some reason in this case it just seems cold to me. How do you console someone is this situation? I am just at a total lost does anyone have any advice? I am going to go and get her a few things that have helped me a little in getting through my lonely days. So with that hopefully that will open some doors for me. So if you think of it will you please pray for little baby Shea's family and friends as they deal with what is to come down this long and dark road. That it wont seem so lonely for them and that they would feel God's love more now then ever.
Baby Shea passed away today from liver and kidney dysfunction around noon.
You know because you've been there, sometimes the best thing someone could say to someone who has lost is nothing at all! Because nothing you say can bring back what they've lost. Just being there to cry with her and letting her share her feelings is better then anything you could say! Allow God to use the pain you are suffering to show her His love! I'm praying for your friend... and you too Britty! I love you!
I agree with Hollie!!
Just being there for her and not treating her like a "disease" is the best thing of all!!
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